Frequently Asked Questions
How Do Photoelectric Smoke Detectors Work?
Ever wondered how a smoke detector works? In this article you will learn the inner workings of a common smoke detector to better understand how it can detect smoke and warn us of a potential fire. There are two different kinds of smoke detectors. Here we will...
Different Types of Fire Extinguishers
Do You Have The Proper Fire Extinguisher For The Job? It's important to have the appropriate fire extinguisher for the type of fire being fought. Multipurpose fire extinguishers, labeled ABC, may be used on all three classes of fire. If you use the wrong type of...
Classes of Fires
The Four Classes Of Fires From A to D There are four classes of fires. All fire extinguishers are labeled, using standard symbols, for the classes of fires on which they can be used. A red slash through any of the symbols tells you the extinguisher cannot be...
Fire Extinguisher Sizes
Common Fire Extinguisher Sizes And Their Weight Fire extinguishers come in many sizes. Some of them may look the same but can have different weights. In this article you will learn the different fire extinguisher sizes and what class of fire they can handle....
Why Does Smoke Come from a Fire?
Ever wondered why smoke comes from fire? In this article we will describe a typical scenario of starting a fire and then explain how and why smoke comes from a fire. Let's say you have a nice fire going, and it has burned down to the point where what you see is a...
“Should I Try to Fight this Fire?”
Crucial Action Steps To Take Before Fighting A Fire Alone BEFORE you begin (or even consider) fighting a fire: + Call the Fire Department (Dial 911). + Make sure the building is being evacuated. + Determine whether the fire is small and is not spreading. + Confirm...